Thursday, August 12, 2010

Studio Classroom July 03


Mackinac Island

Those who want extra privacy can stay in the Masco Cottage located at the east end of the hotel.
The cottage costs $3,150 per night, and that rate covers all meals including a five-course dinner, Guests can also have a personal chef prepare meals in the cottage.

What to see and do
The island's history and rich natural beauty provide many sightseeing opportunities.
Most people visit Fort Mackinac with its 14 restored original buildings.
Visitors can see informative displays and meet "soldiers" and "Victorian ladies."
In addition, they can watch uniformed 1880s soldiers fire a cannon over the harbor.

People can explore the island on two feet, four feet (horseback) or two wheels.
Bikers can cycle around the island on Lake Shore Boulevard.
It doesn't take long - the island is only eight miles around, but the views of hills, trees and water are spectacular.
Visitors can also enjoy a stroll down the island's Main Street.
There they can browse in the shops and sample the island's famous fudge.
Getting away from it all is easier than you think.
Just imagine yourself on Mackinac Island.

privacy (n) 隱居;隱私
private (adj)
cottage - a small house, especially in the country 小屋;(尤指)村舍,小別墅
course - any of the separate parts of a meal 一道菜
chef - a professional cook, especially the most senior cook in a restaurant, hotel, etc.
sightseeing - the activity of visiting interesting buildings and places as a tourist
informative (adj) - giving useful information
uniformed (adj)
cannon (v) - 開砲, 砲轟
harbor (n) - 港灣,海港
spectacular - very impressive
stroll - to walk somewhere in a slow relaxed way
fudge (n) - a type of soft brown sweet/candy made from sugar, butter and milk 法奇軟糖,乳脂軟糖(用糖、黃油和牛奶製成)
get away from it all 遠離城鄉

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Studio Classroom July 02


Mackinac Island

Horses, horses, horses
More than 500 horses provide transportation on the island.
They arrive by ferry every April and return to the Michigan mainland every November for the winter.
The island's impressive draft horses weigh 2,000 pounds each and can pull (or hold back) three times their body weight.
That ability is necessary to travel the steep roads on the island.
Each horse works just four and a half hours a day hauling goods or people.

Grand Hotel
Many hotels offer lodging on the island, but the luxury address is the Grand Hotel, which opened in 1887.
It was build in just 93 days by 600 men who had a great incentive.
Legend has it that the owners offered them a million dollar bonus if they finished in 90 days or less.
No two of the hotel's 385 guest rooms are alike, and its 660-foot-long porch is the world's longest.
Every summer, about 130,000 people stay at the hotel and eat their meals there.
More than 100 people on the kitchen staff prepare and serve around 4,000 meals per day.

impressive - of things or people making you feel admiration, because they are very large, good, skilful, etc.
Ex. an impressive performance 令人難忘的演出
draft - a rough written version of something that is not yet in its final form
Ex. I've made a rough draft of the letter. 我已經寫好這封信的草稿。
Ex. This is only the first draft of my speech. 這只是我演講的初稿。 <> the final draft(= the final version) 定稿
draft horse
hold back 阻擋
steep - of a slope, hill, etc. rising or falling quickly, not gradually
Ex. a steep hill/slope/bank 陡峭的山;陡坡╱岸
Ex. The path grew steeper as we climbed higher. 我們越往上爬路就越陡。
haul - to pull something/somebody with a lot of effort
Ex. The wagons were hauled by horses. 那些貨車是馬拉的。
lodge (n)
- 發音非常像 large
lodging (n) 寄宿, 借宿
Ex. full board and lodging(= a room to stay in and all meals provided) 食宿全包
Ex. It was cheaper to live in lodgings than in a hotel. 住出租的房間比住旅館便宜。
luxury ['lʌkʃərɪ]
incentive (n) - something that encourages you to do something
encourage (v)
legend (n) 傳說; 傳奇故事; 傳奇文學
bonus (n) - an extra amount of money that is added to a payment, especially to somebody's wages as a reward

Monday, August 09, 2010

Studio Classroom July 01


Mackinac Island
A place where horsepower takes on a new meaning

Imagine a vacation where you can sit quietly on a big porch and look out over blue water.
Imagine no loud engines or car horns interrupting that quiet.
Instead, the clip-clop of horses' hooves fills your ears.
You'll find that on Mackinac Island, Mich. Located in Lake Huro off the coast of northern Michigan, the 3.8-square-mile island is accessible only by boat or plane.
Its location made it attractive first to Native Americans and then to Europeans.

Missionaries and fur traders arrived in the 17th century.
In time, British and then American soldiers were also posted here.
In the 19th century, commercial fishermen used the island as a base.
After the American Civil War (1861-1865), people wanted to escape the cities, and throngs of tourists found beauty and relaxation on Mackinac.
The island became America's second national park in 1875.
But in 1895, the nation transferred it to Michigan, and Mackinac became Michigan's first state park.

In 1898, when the automobile age threatened to come to the island, the city council banned the "horseless carriage."
That policy allows the island to keep its 19th-century atmosphere.

porch (n) - a small area at the entrance to a building, such as a house or a church, that is covered by a roof and often has walls
horn (n) - a device in a vehicle for making a loud sound as a warning or signal
{Ex. to sound/toot your horn 鳴喇叭}
hoof (n) - the hard part of the foot of some animals, for example horses
missionary - 傳教士
fur - the skin of an animal with the fur still on it, used especially for making clothes (動物的)毛皮
{Ex. a fur coat 毛皮大衣}
in time - 經過一段時間之後;遲早;最後;終於
post - to send somebody to a place for a period of time as part of their job 派駐
{Ex. She's been posted to Washington for two years. 她被派往華盛頓工作兩年。}
throng - a crowd of people
council - a group of people who are elected to govern an area such as a city or county
{Ex. She's on the local council. 她是地方議會的議員。}
ban - to forbid something officially
{Ex. a campaign to ban smoking in public places 禁止在公共場所吸煙的運動 }
atmosphere - the feeling or mood that you have in a particular place or situation
Use music and lighting to create a romantic atmosphere. 用音樂和照明創造一種浪漫的氣氛。}

Thursday, August 05, 2010

Studio Classroom August 5


Nicolaus Copernicus: Moving Astronomy Forward
History credits this astronomer with moving the earth

Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) changed the world by challenging the common beliefs of his time.
He completely altered the way people thought about their world and the universe.
Thanks to Copernicus' theories the entire Western world began to shift its perspective from an Earth-centered universe to a sun-centered system.

The broadly educated student
Copernicus was born into a wealthy merchant family in Poland in 1473.
When his father died, 10-year-old Copernicus moved in with his uncle, who later became a Roman Catholic bishop.
While raising Copernicus, his uncle directed both the boy's advancement in the church and his education.

Copernicus began his university studies at the University of Cracow where mathematics, astronomy and astrology sparked his interest.
But he left before finishing his degree, as was common at the time, and went to work for the church in Frombork.
Then he followed in his uncle's footsteps by studying at the University of Bologna.
While there, he lived with Domenico Maria Novara, the school's chief astronomy professor.
Novara was probably the first person Copernicus had ever met who dared to challenge the 1,400-year-old conclusions of that era's paramount astronomer: Ptolemy.

astronomy - the scientific study of the sun, moon, stars, planets, etc.
moving something forward
credit - praise or approval because you are responsible for something good that has happened
{Ex. We did all the work and she gets all the credit! 工作都是我們幹的,而功勞卻都歸了她!}
alter - to become different; to make somebody/something different
{Ex. He had altered so much I scarcely recognized him. 他變得我幾乎認不出來了。}
universe - the whole of space and everything in it, including the earth, the planets and the stars
perspective (n) - a particular attitude towards something; a way of thinking about something
{Ex. Try to see the issue from a different perspective. 試以不同的角度看待這件事。}
merchant ['mɝtʃənt]- a person who buys and sells goods in large quantities, especially one who imports and exports goods
{Ex. V
enice was once a city of rich merchants. 威尼斯曾是富商雲集的城市。}
Roman Catholic bishop 天主教主教
astrology [ə'strɑlədʒɪ] (n) 占星學
dare (v)- to be brave enough to do something
{Ex. H
e didn't dare (to) say what he thought. 他不敢說出他的想法。}
era -
paramount (adj) 至高無上的; 最重要的; 主要的

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Hi Tutor 20100804

Top Ten Careers With The Lowest Job Satisfaction Ratings
  1. Mail Clerks & Mail Machine Operators (except postal service)
  2. Program Directors 節目導演
  3. Municipal Clerks 地方政府職員
  4. Food Preparation & Serving Workers - waiter/waitress
  5. Maids & Housekeeping Cleaners 女僕和管家
  6. Insurance Policy Processing Clerks 保險策略處理辦事員
  7. Hotel, Motel & Resort Desk Clerks 酒店,汽車旅館和度假村服務台辦事員
  8. Food Preparation & Serving Workers (including fast food)
  9. Telemarketers
  10. Aircraft Cargo Handling Supervisors 飛機貨物裝卸監事
Top Ten Highest Paying Jobs in America
  1. Surgeons 外科醫師
  2. Anesthesiologists 麻醉師
  3. Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons 口腔外科醫師
  4. Orthodontists 矯形牙醫
  5. Obstetricians & Gynecologists 產科&婦科醫生
  6. Internists - General內科醫生
  7. Physicians & Surgeons, Other 醫生及外科醫生
  8. Family & General Practitioners 家庭及全科醫師
  9. Chief Executives 行政首長
  10. Psychiatrists 精神病學家;精神科醫生
Language Notes
wander - to walk slowly around or to a place, often without any particular sense of purpose or direction
{Ex. The tourists were wandering around the city,looking at the sites.}
{Ex. She wandered aimlessly around the streets. 她在大街上漫無目的地到處遊蕩}
elegant (adj.)
- of people or their behaviour graceful and attractive
- of clothes, places and things attractive and designed well
{Ex. Tracy wore an elegant dress to the dinner party.}
{Ex. She was tall and elegant. 她身材修長,優雅大方}
go with - 伴隨 / 與...相配 / 與...約會
{Ex. I want to get a belt to go with my pants.}
{Ex. Happiness doesn't necessarily go with money. 幸福未必伴隨金錢而來}
Do you think this hat would go with my new dress? 你覺得這帽子和我的新衣服相配嗎}
vendor - a person who sells things, for example food or newspapers, usually outside on the street
{Ex. He bought a magazine from a newspaper vendor.}
spangle - a small piece of shiny metal or plastic used to decorate clothes sequin
{Ex. Don't buy that purse with spangles! It's really ugly.}
bead - a small piece of glass, wood, etc. with a hole through it, that can be put on a string with others of the same type and worn as jewellery, etc
{Ex. Mary's necklace broke, so there were beads all over the floor.}
{Ex. A bead curtain separated the two rooms. 一掛珠簾子把兩個房間分開}
{Ex. This computer has a one-year guarantee, so we won't charge you to fix it.}
{Ex. We have to make a small charge for refreshments. 我們得收取少量茶點費}
{Ex. Thank you for your offer of help.}
{Ex. He offered some useful advice. 他提出了一些有益的建議}
{Ex. If you buy three or more of any product today, you will receive a 20% discount.}
fine (v) - to make somebody pay money as an official punishment 處…以罰金
{Ex. She was fined for speeding.}
impress - if a person or thing impresses you, you feel admiration for them or it
{Ex. We were very impressed by his performance.}
{Ex. He impressed her with his sincerity. (His sincerity impressed her.) 他的真誠打動了她}

Studio Classroom August 4


Tee up
People use this term to describe making preparations for something.
It is often used to describe preparing technical support for presentations.
Ex. Can you tee up the DVD player while I get the projector working?
Take it to the next level
When you take something to the next level, you are improving or intensifying it.
Let's take this project to the next level and improve our sales.
The ball is in your court
People say this when it is someone else's turn to do something or make a decision.
It often suggests the speaker is waiting for someone else to act.
I've done all I can.
Ex. Now the ball is in Matthew's court.
Apples and oranges
This term is often used when arguing that two things are too different to be compared.
Ex. Comparing the new arena to the new hospital is like comparing apples and oranges.
Strike while the iron is hot
To strike while the iron is hot is to proceed while you have the chance.
The term is often used to encourage people to take action quickly.
Ex. If we want to make this sale, we need to strike while the iron is hot!

tee up
projector - a piece of equipment for projecting photographs or films/movies onto a screen
{Ex. a
slide projector 幻燈機}
intensify - to increase in degree or strength
{Ex. The opposition leader has intensified his attacks on the government. 反對派領袖加強了對政府的攻擊}
court - the place where legal trials take place and where crimes, etc. are judged
arena (n) (周圍有觀眾席的)比賽場, 競技場
proceed (v) - to continue doing something that has already been started; to continue being done

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Studio Classroom August 3


Have you ever attended a meeting only to leave wondering what it was about?
If so, you may be a victim of business jargon.
Jargon - words used by a group of people that aren't generally understood - has both advantages and disadvantages.
Many professionals use specialized terms that help them communicate specific ideas that are hard to describe in simple language.
Unfortunately, the use of jargon can result in confusion.
This is especially true when speakers use terms that their listeners misunderstand or don't understand at all.

These examples of commonly used business jargon may help you figure out what's going on.
But use them carefully - don't leave your audience struggling to interpret what you are talking about.

Water under the bridge
This phrase refers to events of the past.
Generally, the term suggests that the past should be forgotten and people should move forward.
Ex. Last year's mistakes are water under the bridge.
Touch base
When people touch base, they get in contact with each other.
The term is often used in reference to meetings.
Ex. Let's touch base on Thursday afternoon.

jargon - words or expressions that are used by a particular profession or group of people, and are difficult for others to understand
victim - a person who has been attacked, injured or killed as the result of a crime, a disease, an accident, etc.
{Ex. accident/earthquake/famine victims 事故/地震的罹難者;饑荒災民}
{Ex. victims of crime 犯罪的受害者}
term - a word or phrase used as the name of something, especially one connected with a particular type of language
specialized (adj) 專門的; 專科的
struggle - to move somewhere or do something with difficulty
{Ex. I struggled up the hill with the heavy bags. 我背着幾個沉重的包吃力地爬上山去}
interpret - to explain the meaning of something
{Ex. The data can be interpreted in many different ways. 這份資料可以從多方面解讀}

Hi Tutor 20100803

Answering WHY questions:
**Why do you think people marry?
People marry because naturally they don’t want to be alone.
They also have a curiosity about opposite sex.
However, these days some people get married for some other reasons.
Some marry because they want to experience what other people do like their friends, relatives, and family members.
Others marry because of financial matter.
Many people still get marry because they want to have children.
Gold-diggers marry because of their partner’s money.
But still majority wants to get married because simply they are in-love to each other and they want to be together permanently.

**Why do you think people are getting fatter?
they are getting fatter because they eat too much and sport too less.
It may be a family history (a hereditary disease/condition).
**Why do people wanted to live in a big city?
Because they consider the life of convenience.
Have a verious kind of establishment, like department store, restaurant, park, school, etc.
**Why do people wanted to finish college?
Because they went to get more knowledge and get more opportunity for finding a job.
**Why do you think people wanted to go abroad to work?
Because they want to make more money.
It may be business transaction or command of company.
**Why do you think people have religion?
Because they want the peace of mind.

naturally - in a way that you would expect
Naturally, I get upset when things go wrong. 事情出了錯,我當然就會很煩}
curiosity -
a strong desire to know about something
Children show curiosity about everything. 兒童對一切事物都顯露出好奇心}
His answer did not satisfy my curiosity at all. 他的答覆絲毫沒有滿足我的好奇心}
dig -
to make a hole in the ground or to move soil from one place to another using your hands, a tool or a machine
[dig dug dug]
They dug deeper and deeper but still found nothing. 他們越挖越深卻仍然一無所獲}
I've been digging the garden. 我一直在花園鬆土}
majority -
the largest part of a group of people or things
The majority of people interviewed prefer TV to radio. 大多數接受採訪的人都喜歡看電視而不喜歡聽收音機}
a majority decision 根據大多數人的意見做出的決定}
permanently -
Something that is permanent lasts for ever.

Bargaining for fun

  1. How much money do you spend a week? Where or what do you usually spend it on?
  2. Are you a "brand-buyer?" How do you judge the value of a brand? Talk about it with your classmates.

Monday, August 02, 2010

Studio Classroom August 2

ADVENTURE (1) - 極限運動者在尼加拉瓜活火山玩滑板

Flying down a 400-meter-long slide like Taichung's Sky Pool provides plenty of excitement for most.
But for those who like more extreme adventures.
Nicaragua offers an even more exciting "slide" experience.
Instead of sliding down water, people slide down volcanic ash on the side of an active volcano!
Volcano boarding began in 2005 when a local tour company came up with the idea.
Since then, over 10,000 people have traveled to Cerro Negro to give it a try.
Cerro Negro is one of Nicaragua's most active volcanoes.
Riding down the side of a smoking volcano is an experience like no other.

How is it done?
After a 45-minute climb to the volcano's rim, riders put on protective gear.
They receive brief instructions and then try sliding down a short slope.
After that, it's time for the real thing!
Sitting on a specially designed board, riders push off and fly straight down a 488-meter slope.
The black volcanic ash provides a dusty, dirty ride.
But boarders usually arrive at the bottom with smiles on their faces.
With riders reaching speeds up to 82 km/h, volcano boarding offers a one-of-a-kind adventure ride!

extreme - very great in degree
We are working under extreme pressure at the moment. 目前我們正在極大的壓力下工作}
Nicaragua [ˌnɪkəˈrɑgwə] 尼加拉瓜
volcanic ash 火山的灰
come up with something (針對問題等)想出; 提供
gear (n) 齒輪; 傳動裝置; (汽車)排檔
rim - the edge of something that is circular
{Ex. He looked at them over the rim of his glass. 他從杯口的上方看着他們}
gear -
brief - lasting only a short time
instruction - detailed information on how to do or use something directions
slope (n) 傾斜; 坡度
{Ex. The town is built on a slope. 這座城建在斜坡上}
dusty - full of dust
one-of-a-kind 獨一無二的