Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Studio Classroom July 02


Mackinac Island

Horses, horses, horses
More than 500 horses provide transportation on the island.
They arrive by ferry every April and return to the Michigan mainland every November for the winter.
The island's impressive draft horses weigh 2,000 pounds each and can pull (or hold back) three times their body weight.
That ability is necessary to travel the steep roads on the island.
Each horse works just four and a half hours a day hauling goods or people.

Grand Hotel
Many hotels offer lodging on the island, but the luxury address is the Grand Hotel, which opened in 1887.
It was build in just 93 days by 600 men who had a great incentive.
Legend has it that the owners offered them a million dollar bonus if they finished in 90 days or less.
No two of the hotel's 385 guest rooms are alike, and its 660-foot-long porch is the world's longest.
Every summer, about 130,000 people stay at the hotel and eat their meals there.
More than 100 people on the kitchen staff prepare and serve around 4,000 meals per day.

impressive - of things or people making you feel admiration, because they are very large, good, skilful, etc.
Ex. an impressive performance 令人難忘的演出
draft - a rough written version of something that is not yet in its final form
Ex. I've made a rough draft of the letter. 我已經寫好這封信的草稿。
Ex. This is only the first draft of my speech. 這只是我演講的初稿。 <> the final draft(= the final version) 定稿
draft horse
hold back 阻擋
steep - of a slope, hill, etc. rising or falling quickly, not gradually
Ex. a steep hill/slope/bank 陡峭的山;陡坡╱岸
Ex. The path grew steeper as we climbed higher. 我們越往上爬路就越陡。
haul - to pull something/somebody with a lot of effort
Ex. The wagons were hauled by horses. 那些貨車是馬拉的。
lodge (n)
- 發音非常像 large
lodging (n) 寄宿, 借宿
Ex. full board and lodging(= a room to stay in and all meals provided) 食宿全包
Ex. It was cheaper to live in lodgings than in a hotel. 住出租的房間比住旅館便宜。
luxury ['lʌkʃərɪ]
incentive (n) - something that encourages you to do something
encourage (v)
legend (n) 傳說; 傳奇故事; 傳奇文學
bonus (n) - an extra amount of money that is added to a payment, especially to somebody's wages as a reward

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