Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Hi Tutor 20100803

Answering WHY questions:
**Why do you think people marry?
People marry because naturally they don’t want to be alone.
They also have a curiosity about opposite sex.
However, these days some people get married for some other reasons.
Some marry because they want to experience what other people do like their friends, relatives, and family members.
Others marry because of financial matter.
Many people still get marry because they want to have children.
Gold-diggers marry because of their partner’s money.
But still majority wants to get married because simply they are in-love to each other and they want to be together permanently.

**Why do you think people are getting fatter?
they are getting fatter because they eat too much and sport too less.
It may be a family history (a hereditary disease/condition).
**Why do people wanted to live in a big city?
Because they consider the life of convenience.
Have a verious kind of establishment, like department store, restaurant, park, school, etc.
**Why do people wanted to finish college?
Because they went to get more knowledge and get more opportunity for finding a job.
**Why do you think people wanted to go abroad to work?
Because they want to make more money.
It may be business transaction or command of company.
**Why do you think people have religion?
Because they want the peace of mind.

naturally - in a way that you would expect
Naturally, I get upset when things go wrong. 事情出了錯,我當然就會很煩}
curiosity -
a strong desire to know about something
Children show curiosity about everything. 兒童對一切事物都顯露出好奇心}
His answer did not satisfy my curiosity at all. 他的答覆絲毫沒有滿足我的好奇心}
dig -
to make a hole in the ground or to move soil from one place to another using your hands, a tool or a machine
[dig dug dug]
They dug deeper and deeper but still found nothing. 他們越挖越深卻仍然一無所獲}
I've been digging the garden. 我一直在花園鬆土}
majority -
the largest part of a group of people or things
The majority of people interviewed prefer TV to radio. 大多數接受採訪的人都喜歡看電視而不喜歡聽收音機}
a majority decision 根據大多數人的意見做出的決定}
permanently -
Something that is permanent lasts for ever.

Bargaining for fun

  1. How much money do you spend a week? Where or what do you usually spend it on?
  2. Are you a "brand-buyer?" How do you judge the value of a brand? Talk about it with your classmates.

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