Sunday, August 01, 2010

Studio Classroom July 31


While the melting of Arctic ice has been detrimental to the region's fragile environment, it has been helpful to those trying to study the area.
Record reductions of Arctic ice in recent summers have allowed teams to examine and map areas that were previously unreachable.
Consequently, countries that may have a claim to ownership are scurrying to determine the shape and structure of the Arctic Ocean's floor.
In the summers of 2008 and 2009.
the U.S. and Canada partnered in expeditions to map the bottom of the world's least-explored ocean.

Two icebreaker ships with various technologies enabled researchers to record the shape and surface of the ocean floor and to collect data about what lies beneath it.
As a result, recent mapping expeditions have been very successful.
Scientists not only gathered evidence about national territories, but also charted underwater features such as mountains and volcanoes.
Next month, Canada and the U.S. are preparing to embark on their third cooperative voyage.
Their work will surely bring us closer to answering an urgent question: Who can rightfully claim the Arctic's resources?

{Ex. There have been many changes in recent years. 近幾年發生了許多變化} has/have + pp
detrimental - harmful
fragile - easily broken or damaged
{Ex. 這個箱子上有易碎的標記 This box is marked on a fragile.}
scurry - to run with quick short steps
{Ex. She said goodbye and scurried back to work. 她說聲再見,然後扭頭跑回去幹活了}
expedition - an organized journey with a particular purpose, especially to find out about a place that is not well known
evidence - the facts, signs or objects that make you believe that something is true
embark on (v) 從事, 著手
urgent - that needs to be dealt with immediately

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