Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Hi Tutor 20100804

Top Ten Careers With The Lowest Job Satisfaction Ratings
  1. Mail Clerks & Mail Machine Operators (except postal service)
  2. Program Directors 節目導演
  3. Municipal Clerks 地方政府職員
  4. Food Preparation & Serving Workers - waiter/waitress
  5. Maids & Housekeeping Cleaners 女僕和管家
  6. Insurance Policy Processing Clerks 保險策略處理辦事員
  7. Hotel, Motel & Resort Desk Clerks 酒店,汽車旅館和度假村服務台辦事員
  8. Food Preparation & Serving Workers (including fast food)
  9. Telemarketers
  10. Aircraft Cargo Handling Supervisors 飛機貨物裝卸監事
Top Ten Highest Paying Jobs in America
  1. Surgeons 外科醫師
  2. Anesthesiologists 麻醉師
  3. Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons 口腔外科醫師
  4. Orthodontists 矯形牙醫
  5. Obstetricians & Gynecologists 產科&婦科醫生
  6. Internists - General內科醫生
  7. Physicians & Surgeons, Other 醫生及外科醫生
  8. Family & General Practitioners 家庭及全科醫師
  9. Chief Executives 行政首長
  10. Psychiatrists 精神病學家;精神科醫生
Language Notes
wander - to walk slowly around or to a place, often without any particular sense of purpose or direction
{Ex. The tourists were wandering around the city,looking at the sites.}
{Ex. She wandered aimlessly around the streets. 她在大街上漫無目的地到處遊蕩}
elegant (adj.)
- of people or their behaviour graceful and attractive
- of clothes, places and things attractive and designed well
{Ex. Tracy wore an elegant dress to the dinner party.}
{Ex. She was tall and elegant. 她身材修長,優雅大方}
go with - 伴隨 / 與...相配 / 與...約會
{Ex. I want to get a belt to go with my pants.}
{Ex. Happiness doesn't necessarily go with money. 幸福未必伴隨金錢而來}
Do you think this hat would go with my new dress? 你覺得這帽子和我的新衣服相配嗎}
vendor - a person who sells things, for example food or newspapers, usually outside on the street
{Ex. He bought a magazine from a newspaper vendor.}
spangle - a small piece of shiny metal or plastic used to decorate clothes sequin
{Ex. Don't buy that purse with spangles! It's really ugly.}
bead - a small piece of glass, wood, etc. with a hole through it, that can be put on a string with others of the same type and worn as jewellery, etc
{Ex. Mary's necklace broke, so there were beads all over the floor.}
{Ex. A bead curtain separated the two rooms. 一掛珠簾子把兩個房間分開}
{Ex. This computer has a one-year guarantee, so we won't charge you to fix it.}
{Ex. We have to make a small charge for refreshments. 我們得收取少量茶點費}
{Ex. Thank you for your offer of help.}
{Ex. He offered some useful advice. 他提出了一些有益的建議}
{Ex. If you buy three or more of any product today, you will receive a 20% discount.}
fine (v) - to make somebody pay money as an official punishment 處…以罰金
{Ex. She was fined for speeding.}
impress - if a person or thing impresses you, you feel admiration for them or it
{Ex. We were very impressed by his performance.}
{Ex. He impressed her with his sincerity. (His sincerity impressed her.) 他的真誠打動了她}

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